Zehang Richard Li

Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
University of California Santa Cruz

Email: lizehang (at) ucsc.edu
Google Scholar: Zehang Richard Li
Github: @richardli
Twitter: @z_richard_li

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More about me

I grew up in Xuzhou, China. After high school, I attended college in the beautiful and mountainous Chinese University of Hong Kong, where I learned a lot of statistics, some finance, limited Cantonese, and worked with some wonderful mentors. Somewhat unusually, I also spent a summer selling hot dogs, corns, dippin dots, and making gigantic cotton candies at Schlitterbahn waterpark in New Braunfels, Texas.

My free time is mostly split between local coffee shops, gyms and running trails local farmers markets, neighborhood trails, and keeping our two cats happy. I spent a summer with the microeconomics group at Microsoft Research as a research intern. We won the 2016 Microsoft summer basketball league championship despite my presence on the team. I was a fan of the Houston Rockets (2002 - 2020) and Seattle Seahawks (2012 - 2022).